100 word horror

In my web trawling last night I took a look at the great blog Terrible Minds, the musings of author and kick ass risotto chef Chuck Wendig. I discovered that he sets a writing challenge, apparently every week, which I felt compelled to have a go at. This week the challenge was to create a horror story in 3 sentences, no more than 100 words. I had a quick think and my attempts are below. Hope you enjoy them.

The Hunger

It came in the winter, when the snow lay thick against the house and the wind cracked skin and froze fingers.

When the food had run out and his stomach was a hollow shell, crying out for something, anything, it came.

It came and stole, and when it left he was alone, but the larder was stocked and he would survive another winter.

‘The Shrieking’

The shrieking came from all around, suffocating him and dragging him down as the madness crept up. “This too shall pass, this too shall pass” he repeated endlessly in a broken whimper, hands pressed tight to his ears. Her hand touched his shoulder and he whipped around, eyes wide and staring, “I’ve given her some Calpol love, she’ll sleep for a bit now.”