Cairns Writes 2017 – Video Fifteen – What’s your favourite series?

In which I attempt the impossible… again! I know, it’s madness, but someone’s got to do it. This time, it’s my favourite series of fantasy/scifi/horror books… Hit me up with yours, or simply tell me why my choice is wrong 🙂

Podcast – Mist – A Fantasy Horror Short Story


Welcome to the Cairns Writes Fiction Podcast. Every week I’ll be reading a short story or piece of serialised fiction.

This week’s story is called Mist

Every year on Halloween, Rebecca waits at the window. As the morning mist parts, the mysterious warrior she’s seen every year since her birth emerges to march across the field and share a brief glance with her, a look that promises more than it ever delivers…

Written, Read and Produced by Michael Cairns

The next episode will be available to download next week. Happy listening.

Podcast – Once – A Fantasy Short Story of Trickery


Welcome to the Cairns Writes Fiction Podcast. Every week I’ll be reading a short story or piece of serialized fiction.

This week’s story is called Once

The cow loves her farm. She loves her farmer and his wife and her nice warm barn. But something is coming, something that will shake up not just the chickens, but everything she knows…

Written, Read and Produced by Michael Cairns

The next episode will be available to download next week. Happy listening.

Podcast – The Shop – A Fantastical Tale of Revenge


Welcome to the Cairns Writes Fiction Podcast. Every week I’ll be reading a short story or piece of serialized fiction.

This week’s story is called The Shop

Rebecca’s bored of her town. So when a mysterious fancy dress shop appears between Poundland and the Chemists, she’s first through the door. The costumes are out of this world and the proprietor something else, but Rebecca’s about to discover there’s more to fancy dress than princesses and knights.

Written, Read and Produced by Michael Cairns

The next episode will be available to download next week. Happy listening.